Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Hearts Day!

This is how I felt today driving Nikolina to daycare. I had Valentines and Valentine Goodie Bags for her class, and teachers. Heart shaped pink/red Iced Sugar Cookies for my colleagues at work, kitty/puppy Valentines with Pink Tootsie Pops for my co-workers and a Special Heart Box for all my Valentines. Spent the weekend baking/cooking Valentine themed food and making Valentines for our family.  As I was driving in my car, there was no sign anywhere that it was Valentined Day, and I thought what a shame, "there should be hearts in the sky." 

Thought this was sweet.

for you Valentines Day Haters, this made me smile...

This made me laugh....
Vulgar for Valentines Day and a Momma, but funny none the less.

Hope you were able to share this special day with someone you LOVE!

New Mommy