Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pregnancy: Week 22

***BIG SONOGRAM TODAY***  Hubs and Nik came along!

DATE: February 10, 2011

How far along: 22 Weeks

Total Weight Gained: Unknown, never weighed myself before baby (insane I know)

Current Weight: 132.8
(seems high this far along, guess I better lay off the Ghiradeli and Organic Chocolate Chip Cookies, ha ha)

Weeks 22-24 (Month 5): Papaya  Our Baby is a Papaya!!  I LOVE that word!  Good Lord, as big as my tummy is, I hope that baby is bigger than a Papaya or else I am going to be in trouble!

Average size: 10.5-11.8 inches, 12.7-20.8 oz.

Nipples are sprouting, and face is fully formed!

Your Baby: Month 5
Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

Maternity Clothes: No.  Ironically my jeans still fit, at least one pair do. But starting the get tighter at the button/fly.

Sleep: Good.  Sleeping on my left side, which I always do anyway.  A pillow between my legs is most comfortable, but I usually wake up and it's somehwere else in the bed or on the floor.

Best Moment of the Week: Sonogram today. Seeing you move, and knowing you are healthy and growing right on track.  The sono-tech had the baby play peek-a-boo with Nikolina and you, using the wand and she loved it. Having my whole family together in one room was pretty amazing!  Watching her meet you was pretty amazing!  Can't wait till the real thing!

Food Cravings: Oranges. Vitamin Water. Grilled Cheeses.

Food Aversions: None, but staying away from Caffeine and Soda.

Gender: We didn't find out today. Hubs was amazing, and is going to wait to find out with me, I think,
hee hee.  I almost caved, I felt so bad for him, he was so sad/dissapointed:(

Symptoms: Big belly!  This baby is getting BIG FAST!  If I lay on the couch on my back, I get really bad lower back pain, and start to feel sick (bc your blood flow slows down unless you are on your left side). Also, tying my shoes laces on the side, and can't see the bottem of my tummy anymore.

What I miss: Flat belly, cocktails (usually only when family/friends are celebrating,otherwise, doesn't bother me:)

What I'm looking forward to: Decorating the Nursery. Nikolina becoming more aware that there is a Baby in mommy's tummy that she will be able to help take care of when he/she is born!  Maternity pictures.  And, now I can continue to say, finding out the sex of the baby!  And, also, really getting excited to meet this little one.