Sunday, August 2, 2009

With this ring, I thee wed..
June 27, 2009

I forgot to add some pictures from Josh's cousin's wedding ceremony.
Congratulations Nick and Emily!


Daddy's such a cheeseball, goofing in church...

Doesn't Daddy look Handsome...

Hi, mom

Ella Beans


A Mother's love...

Pssst...Hey, Mister, there's no talking in Church, bub!. Shhh!
Don't make me have to turn around again!

4th of July, 2009


let's go mom, jeez. how many photos do you need?!

oh, I do love when you make that giraffe dance...

If I'm good can we please go to the party? Pretty please...

Mimi and Papa and me

July 1, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!
June 21, 2009

A Look Back...
Nikolina is 1 day old in mommy's belly...mommy suspects but does not know for certain...
July 4, 2008

July 12, 2008
Mommy just found out she was pregnant today, but Dady doesn't know yet

And then there was a Papa...

July 13, 2009
Papa receives a onesie that says, "Grandpa's little side kick" tkes him a minute to decipher the code.

And then there was a Daddy...

July 13, 2008
Daddy receives a an Ashton Cigar, a mini-set of golf clubs, and a shirt that reads, "My Daddy Rocks"...I think Daddy got it a little faster than Papa.

June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
I love you Daddy!

Savannah's "Bloomington" 5th Birthday Bash!

June 20, 2009

With a non-traditional presens before Cake and Ice Cream...

Seriously how witty is this girl, to say with ironic sarcasam at the opening of this box, 'Look mom, it's from Von Maur.' As if we were at all surprised...

A child's wish...
That's a mischevious grin, what did that child wish for???

I think I can hear her say,"I am so gonna eat all this cake, go sugar crazy, and stay up all night."
Is that her wish?