A couple weeks ago, after seeing the commercial, I went into a nearby Hallmark store to grab a pair of these precious booties for Nikolina for her first Christmas, and the salesperson sadly informed me that they were all out, and she was, if I do say so, very un-accomidating in helping me to locate a pair at another store. She stated that she would check with the another store in a different town, but that was all she could do, everyone was very busy she stated. Well, needless to say, that store was out too. I thought maybe, it was not meant to be, so, I kind of lost track of my mission. And after receiving a check from both Nikolina's great grandmothers, I decided that I could splurge and purchase the precious booties for our pumpkin, as this is her first and only Christmas. So, I looked online, and they didn't offer them for purchase online, only in the stores. So, I called Customer Service and asked her if there was any way I could get a hold of a pair of these booties (there must be a box of them in a warehouse somewhere, I was determined, to be the best Baby's 1st Christmas Mom ever and get a pair of these infamous booties!) She ended up being very little help as well. So, I just started calling stores. And then, while speaking with a salesperson, I could hear the flex in her voice when I described them, and I dared to hope that she held a pair of these precious infamous booties in her bare hands, and she stated that, "Yes, she had but one pair left"(we make our own destiny, Ha!) She stated that they had sold out, but a woman who had received two pairs, returned a pair. I begged her to ship them to me, as she stated that they don't normally do that, she spoke with her manager and agreed to ship them to me. I vowed to pay any shipping to get them here. I asked her to wrap them in about a roll of bubble wrap, as my heart would stop, if upon receiving them, I were to open the box, only to discover that they had been broken in transit. She promised. So, very shortly, Nikolina will receive her Baby's 1st Christmas Ceramic Booties Ornament for her to have when she is older and adorns her very ow tree. Thank goodness for Christmas miracles! Thank you to that gernerous, kind mommy who retuned her extra pair so that another mommy/baby may share in this very special Christmas tradition. Now, I want to dip them in bronze, just so they dont; break, but aren't they bootiful!!