Monday, March 1, 2010

11 Months.

Nikolina's birthday is March 29, my little pumpkin is almost a YEAR OLD!!!   I can't believe it!  Time has gone by so fast!  I am excited and nostalgic at the same time.  I am way behind in party planning, I just can't seem to find the time, the energy, or the funds to put this together. 

But, our little angel's 11 Month Anniversary is not existent the month of February because there are only 28 DAYS in the month of February!!  So, I guess today is her 11 Month Anniversary.

I have to ge to work, but I just wanted to wish her a happy 11 Month, and say that I wish that I was with her right now...

Love you pumpkin!!  Miss you. I will write more about what you've been up to later...