I stumbled upon this a while back when I was trying to work out going back to work and still keep up with breastfeeding/pumping for Nikolina. I just had to share, as I think it is hilarious...
A typical schedule
Your schedule will need to adjust to your particular work situation, but you can start from this typical schedule:
6am: Wake up and nurse your baby Shower, dress, eat a healthy breakfast, pump if you need to.
7:30am: Leave for work with your baby
8:00am: Drop off baby at daycare, talk about your baby's needs with your care provider,
8:15am: Nurse your baby before you leave.
8:45am: Arrive at work (this can be another time to pump if you need more milk)
10:00am: First pumping break
12:30pm: Lunch and second pumping break
3:00pm: Third pumping break
5:00pm: Leave to pick up your baby
5:30pm: Arrive at childcare, nurse your baby and discuss your baby's day
6:00pm: Arrive home, eat dinner
7:30pm: nurse your baby and put him or her to bed
8:00pm: Clean pump parts, get bottles ready for the next day, pack your own lunch and get out the next day's dinner from the freezer
10:00pm: Go to bed. You may want to wake your baby to nurse before you go to sleep, or pump before bed if your baby sleeps through.