Friday, August 20, 2010

Date Night?

If you are planning a little quality time with your hubs or significant other. I have a couple good movies that the hubs and I have rented recently.

This is fabulous. I simply loved it. Seriously, I looked at this movie and thought, "I bet this is one of those movies that is actually really good but is probably overlooked." And, I was right.  It was fabulous, and I loved it. I'd watch it again, if I still had it. I loved that it parallels her life, so you get some history, but obviously they put their own spin on her life/love affair etc with prince Albert. Emily blunt was amazing, and I am really starting to respect her more as an actress after this.  She really came into her own in this role.  And I fell in love with Prince Alberts character played by Rupert Friend.  His love and devotion to/for the queen was inspiring and adoring.  The conspiricies against her/her crown/her reign were incredibly fascinating.  You may not be impressed when you look at real pictures of Queen Victoria from your history books, but I def am a fan of Victoria after this, and it has inspired me to learn more about her reign and her impact on England.

I also saw this recently.

Who doesn't love Nicholas Sparks, be it novels or movies?  So, Miley Cyrus may not get an oscar nod for her acting performance in this movie.  I admit it was a little like watching Britney Spears in Crossroads.  But, who doesn't love Miley Cyrus? The girl is beautiful and talented.  And, her character and personality is refreshing even if it's not a stellar acting performance, Her love interest is quite a looker as well. I go back and forth on Greg Kinnear, but I liked him in this, as well as Travolta's wife.  I enjoyed it, def worth renting.  It was a great story,  A good summer movie.

Have a great weekend!  XOXO

1 comment:

  1. OH I need to check these both out! When do you find time to watch movies? I can't seem to squeeze it into my day :(
